Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bug in Lotus 8.5.1 ? jQuery script is giving error while saving in Lotus 8.5.1 script library as javascript code

jQuery script is giving error while saving in Lotus 8.5.1 script library as javascript code.

Error screen shot:

Is that problem with jQuery (i dont think). This could be a problem with Lotus 8.5.1 javascript script library.

What do you think?


  1. Vill be fixed in 8.5.3, workaround:

    There is a regular expression on Line 506 that has curly brackets used as literals:
    if ( /^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test

    if we escape those, then the error goes away -
    if ( /^[\],:\{\}\s]*$/.test

  2. Great...

    Thanks for the workaround. :)


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