IBM Released 8.5.1 lotus designer for free.
Its really wonderful...
They have added 3 new field types.
1. Formula
2. Timezone
3. Color
One more feature while writing the code in lotusscript, it shows the errors without saving. Its almost similar to writing code in flex.
Flex Integration, Flex Dashboards, Flex Reporting, Flex Charts, Flex Tips, Flex Development, Lotus Domino Web Development, , Flex integration with Lotus Domino, jQyery, Ajax, XPages, Java/J2EE
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Connect ODBC/Oracle Using LC coneector classes
Lotusscript code to connect ODBC/Oracle Using LC coneector classes
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim LC_S As New LCSession
Set LC_Conn = New LCConnection ("odbc2")
' Make a connection...
LC_Conn.Server = "lotussystem" ‘System DSN on server…
LC_Conn.UserID = "crystal" ‘SQL Server user id…
LC_Conn.Password = "crystal" ‘SQL Server password…
LC_Conn.Metadata = "employee" ‘SQL Server table name…
Dim count As Integer
Dim lsQuery As String
Dim fldLst As New LCFieldList
' Execute the Query...
lsQuery = "Select * from employee"
count = LC_Conn. Execute (lsQuery, fldLst)
Dim fldLC As LCField
Dim fldFName As LCField
Set fldFName = fldLst.Lookup ("fname")
Dim fldLName As LCField
Set fldLName = fldLst.Lookup ("lname")
' Get the AppInfo view...
Dim loDb As NotesDatabase
Dim loVw As NotesView
Dim loAppInfoDoc As NotesDocument
Set loDb = session.CurrentDatabase
Set loVw = loDb.GetView("vwAppInfo")
Set loAppInfoDoc = loVw.GetFirstDocument
Call LC_Conn.Fetch (fldLst, 1, 1)
'Msgbox fldFName.Text(0)
loAppInfoDoc.count = "1"
loAppInfoDoc.EmpName = fldFName.Text(0) + " " + fldLName.Text(0)
Set fldLC = fldLst.Lookup ("emp_Id")
loAppInfoDoc.EmpID = fldLC.Text(0)
Set fldLC = fldLst.Lookup ("job_Id")
loAppInfoDoc.Job = Cstr(fldLC.Text(0))
Set fldLC = fldLst.Lookup ("hire_date")
loAppInfoDoc.Hire_Date = Cstr(fldLC.Text(0))
Call, False)
' Disconnect the connection...
Exit Sub
'Msgbox result.GetExtendedErrorMessage,, result.GetErrorMessage
Msgbox "An error has occurred in button at line no. " & Erl() & " and the error is " & Str$(Err) & " " & Error$
Resume CleanUp
End Sub
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