IBM Released 8.5.1 lotus designer for free.
Its really wonderful...
They have added 3 new field types.
1. Formula
2. Timezone
3. Color
One more feature while writing the code in lotusscript, it shows the errors without saving. Its almost similar to writing code in flex.
Flex Integration, Flex Dashboards, Flex Reporting, Flex Charts, Flex Tips, Flex Development, Lotus Domino Web Development, , Flex integration with Lotus Domino, jQyery, Ajax, XPages, Java/J2EE
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Connect ODBC/Oracle Using LC coneector classes
Lotusscript code to connect ODBC/Oracle Using LC coneector classes
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim LC_S As New LCSession
Set LC_Conn = New LCConnection ("odbc2")
' Make a connection...
LC_Conn.Server = "lotussystem" ‘System DSN on server…
LC_Conn.UserID = "crystal" ‘SQL Server user id…
LC_Conn.Password = "crystal" ‘SQL Server password…
LC_Conn.Metadata = "employee" ‘SQL Server table name…
Dim count As Integer
Dim lsQuery As String
Dim fldLst As New LCFieldList
' Execute the Query...
lsQuery = "Select * from employee"
count = LC_Conn. Execute (lsQuery, fldLst)
Dim fldLC As LCField
Dim fldFName As LCField
Set fldFName = fldLst.Lookup ("fname")
Dim fldLName As LCField
Set fldLName = fldLst.Lookup ("lname")
' Get the AppInfo view...
Dim loDb As NotesDatabase
Dim loVw As NotesView
Dim loAppInfoDoc As NotesDocument
Set loDb = session.CurrentDatabase
Set loVw = loDb.GetView("vwAppInfo")
Set loAppInfoDoc = loVw.GetFirstDocument
Call LC_Conn.Fetch (fldLst, 1, 1)
'Msgbox fldFName.Text(0)
loAppInfoDoc.count = "1"
loAppInfoDoc.EmpName = fldFName.Text(0) + " " + fldLName.Text(0)
Set fldLC = fldLst.Lookup ("emp_Id")
loAppInfoDoc.EmpID = fldLC.Text(0)
Set fldLC = fldLst.Lookup ("job_Id")
loAppInfoDoc.Job = Cstr(fldLC.Text(0))
Set fldLC = fldLst.Lookup ("hire_date")
loAppInfoDoc.Hire_Date = Cstr(fldLC.Text(0))
Call, False)
' Disconnect the connection...
Exit Sub
'Msgbox result.GetExtendedErrorMessage,, result.GetErrorMessage
Msgbox "An error has occurred in button at line no. " & Erl() & " and the error is " & Str$(Err) & " " & Error$
Resume CleanUp
End Sub
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Showing alternate coloured rows on Web
There has been quite a few solutions to produce alternate row colors for a Web view. They all involve writing cluttered HTML in the column headings, treating view contents as HTML, or using agents, etc. But the following solution is purely a javascript function and has nothing to do with Domino view design. Part of this idea was derived from a posting in the site.
Step 1.) Create a view with few columns(Let it be uncategorized initially).
Step 2.) Embed the view in a form(Display as HTML).
Step 3.) Put the following code in the Onload event of the form.(Or have it as a function in the JS Header and call it in the OnLoad event).
The above javascript function is fully customizable like,
and the bgcolor values etc.
Step 1.) Create a view with few columns(Let it be uncategorized initially).
Step 2.) Embed the view in a form(Display as HTML).
Step 3.) Put the following code in the Onload event of the form.(Or have it as a function in the JS Header and call it in the OnLoad event).
var tableElements = document.body.all.tags("table");
var table = tableElements[tableElements.length-1];
var headlength=rowlength="";
heads = table.getElementsByTagName("th") ;
// If the view is categorized , use this line, else comment it
for( i = 0; i <headlength; i++)
heads[i].bgColor = '#D2D2D2';
rows = table.getElementsByTagName("tr") ;
for( i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
if(i % 2)
// If the view is not categorized , use this line
// If the view is categorized , use this line
for (var c = 0; c < celllength; c++)
rows[i].cells[c].bgColor = '#F4F4F4';
(The code is self explanatory. It gets the table element, changes the background color of the cells. The above code works fine for an uncategorized view.)
Step 4: For a categorized (single or many), uncomment the following lines,
and comment the following line.
This should work well for a categorized view.
Step 5 : To provide alternate column color effect, modify the for loop given below,
for (var c = 0; c < celllength; c++)
rows[i].cells[c].bgColor = '#F4F4F4';
for (var c = 0; c < celllength; c++)
if (c % 2)
rows[i].cells[c].bgColor = '#F4F4F4';
The above javascript function is fully customizable like,
and the bgcolor values etc.
Creating Notes Documents from Excel Sheet in lotusscript
Sub Initialize
Dim lspath,lsextn As String
Dim gosession As New NotesSession
Set godb=gosession.CurrentDatabase
Set godoc=New notesDocument(godb)
'Enter the Path and the XL file that has to be Imported into th the one is shown below
lspath=Inputbox$("Enter the Excel file path for importing into
the Notes Database")
'Create an Excel sheet object
Set gvExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Messagebox ("Opening Excel sheet File eneterd in Input box
previously ...")
gvExcel.Workbooks.Open lsxlFilename
Set gvxlWorkbook=gvExcel.ActiveWorkbook
Set gvxlsheet=gvxlWorkbook.Activesheet
'Start to move through the Excel file and start pulling data
from there
'Start Importing into the Notes Database
Print "Start impoting from Excel sheet"
Do While True
With gvxlsheet
'Create a new Notes document
Set godoc=godb.CreateDocument
'Save the Notes document
Call godoc.Save(True,True)
If godoc.Name(0)="" Then
End If
End With
Set godoc=Nothing
Goto CleanUp
Exit Sub
Msgbox "An error has occurred in the agImport at line no. " &
Erl() & " and the error is " & Str$(Err) & " " & Error$
Resume CleanUp
End Sub
Creating Word Document from Notes
Here is the code to export to word:
Function exportDataToWord(lsCITRDescTitle As String, lsFileName As String, loUDoc As NotesDocument) As Integer
On Error Goto ErrorHandlerFunc
Dim wordObj, wdocs, wRange As Variant
Set wordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wdocs = wordObj.Documents.Add(lsFileName)
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_CreationDt").Range
Dim dateTime As New NotesDateTime(Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_CreationDt(0)))
lsEffDt$ = dateTime.DateOnly
wRange.InsertBefore lsEffDt$
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_SNDANo").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_SNDANo(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Number").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_Number(0))
lvConxDiscInfo = Evaluate(|@Implode(CITR_ConxDisc; @Char(13))|, loUDoc)
lsConxDiscInfo$ = Trim$(Cstr(lvConxDiscInfo(0)))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_ConxDisc").Range
wRange.InsertBefore lsConxDiscInfo$
lvOtherDiscInfo = Evaluate(|@Implode(CITR_OtherDisc; @Char(13))|, loUDoc)
lsOtherDiscInfo$ = Trim$(Cstr(lvOtherDiscInfo(0)))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_OtherDisc").Range
wRange.InsertBefore lsOtherDiscInfo$
Dim z As Integer
Dim lvCITRPurposes As Variant
Dim lsSetOtherReason As String
If (lsCITRDescTitle = "First Version") Then
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_PurposeOfDisc").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_PurposeOfDisc(0))
lvContainOther = Evaluate(|@Contains(CITR_PurposeOfDisc; "Other")|, loUDoc)
lsContainOther$ = Trim(Cstr(lvContainOther(0)))
If (lsContainOther$ = "True" Or lsContainOther$ = "true" Or lsContainOther$ = "1") Then
lvCITR_OtherReasons = Evaluate(|@Implode(CITR_OtherReasons; @Char(13))|, loUDoc)
lsCITR_OtherReasons$ = Trim$(Cstr(lvCITR_OtherReasons(0)))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_OtherReasons").Range
wRange.InsertBefore lsCITR_OtherReasons$
End If
lsCap1$ = Trim(Cstr(wDocs.chkA.Caption))
lsCap2$ = Trim(Cstr(wDocs.chkB.Caption))
lsCap3$ = Trim(Cstr(wDocs.chkC.Caption))
lsCap4$ = Trim(Cstr(wDocs.chkD.Caption))
lsCap5$ = Trim(Cstr(wDocs.chkE.Caption))
lvCITRPurposes = loUdoc.GetItemValue("CITR_PurposeOfDisc")
For z = 0 To Ubound(lvCITRPurposes)
If (Trim(Cstr(lvCITRPurposes(z))) = lsCap1$) Then
wDocs.chkA.value = True
Elseif (Trim(Cstr(lvCITRPurposes(z))) = lsCap2$) Then
wDocs.chkB.value = True
Elseif (Trim(Cstr(lvCITRPurposes(z))) = lsCap3$) Then
wDocs.chkC.value = True
Elseif (Trim(Cstr(lvCITRPurposes(z))) = lsCap4$) Then
wDocs.chkD.value = True
Elseif (Trim(Cstr(lvCITRPurposes(z))) = lsCap5$) Then
wDocs.chkE.value = True
End If
If (Trim(Cstr(lvCITRPurposes(z))) = "Other") Then
lsSetOtherReason = "1"
End If
If (lsSetOtherReason = "1") Then
lvCITR_OtherReasons = Evaluate(|@Implode(CITR_OtherReasons; @Char(13))|, loUDoc)
lsCITR_OtherReasons$ = Trim$(Cstr(lvCITR_OtherReasons(0)))
wdocs.txtbxA.value = lsCITR_OtherReasons$
End If
End If
lvCITR_Address = Evaluate(|@Implode(CITR_Address; @Char(13))|, loUDoc)
lsCITR_Address$ = Trim$(Cstr(lvCITR_Address(0)))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Address").Range
wRange.InsertBefore lsCITR_Address$
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Address1").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_Address1(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_OtherCompName").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_OtherCompName(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_City").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_City(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_StateCountry").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_StateCountry(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Zip").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_Zip(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Representor").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_Representor(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Signer").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_Signer(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Desig").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_Desig(0))
Set wRange = wdocs.Bookmarks("wCITR_Title").Range
wRange.InsertBefore Cstr(loUDoc.CITR_Title(0))
wdocs.SaveAs lsFileName$
lsPathOfWord$ = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\WINWORD.EXE " & Cstr(lsFileName)
taskId% = Shell(lsPathOfWord$, 1)
exportDataToWord = True
Exit Function
Print "Error Msg : " & Error$() & " at line no. of Function : " & Erl()
Resume Next
End Function
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Set the value of combobox in javascript, set the value of html select value in javascript
Problem: Set the value of a combobox in javascript
Solution: For combobox give the values and names.
for ex:
Solution: For combobox give the values and names.
for ex:

i put the above code in Onload of the body. so by default the combo box value is "Test2".
The above code should work 99%. If the above javascript code is not working then use this:
for (var i=0; i (lessthan symbol here) document.forms[0].Combo.length; i++) {
if (document.forms[0].Combo[i].value == "Test2") {
document.forms[0].Combo[i].selected = true;
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Refer a field value in iframe from parent window
Hi today i came across to read a field value of iframe from a main parent window.
Here is the javascript code:
var temp = document.getElementById('iframeid').document.getElementById('fieldID').value;
Its so simple... Right?
Here is the javascript code:
var temp = document.getElementById('iframeid').document.getElementById('fieldID').value;
Its so simple... Right?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Check current users role is [Admin] in lotusscript
Today i came across to check the current user's role is [Admin] or not in Lotusscript.
Here is the code: LotusScript:
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New notessession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim roles As Variant
roles = Evaluate("@UserRoles = ""[Admin]""")
Msgbox Cstr(roles(0)) ' if the message box shows 1 then the current user has Admin role.
End Sub
Here is the code: LotusScript:
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New notessession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim roles As Variant
roles = Evaluate("@UserRoles = ""[Admin]""")
Msgbox Cstr(roles(0)) ' if the message box shows 1 then the current user has Admin role.
End Sub
Monday, September 7, 2009
Agent to Export to PDF in Lotus Notes
A JAVA Agent which exports the values to a PDF file.
After you run the agent please check C drive for the PDF File.
Here is the JAVA code to export to PDF in Lotus Script:
import lotus.domino.*;
import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
import com.lowagie.text.Chapter;
import com.lowagie.text.Font;
import com.lowagie.text.List;
import com.lowagie.text.Table;
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {
public void NotesMain() {
try {
Session session = getSession();
AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
//create document's object
Document document = new Document();
try {
//create a document
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("c:\\CreatePDFInlotus.pdf"));
//open doc for r/w;
//add text
document.add(new Paragraph ("Create PDF in Lotus "));
document.add(new Paragraph ("Create PDF in Lotus "));
//if error
} catch (DocumentException de) {
} catch(Exception e) {
Agent to customize Dialogbox to take the inputs from the user
Create a form with the name "DlgPreview"
Customize the form "DlgPreview" as shown below

Click on Submit and write the below lotusscript code:
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesuiDocument
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
Call ws.RefreshParentNote( )
Call uidoc.Close
End Sub
Cancel Button Code:
Formula Language: @Command([FileCloseWindow])
Write an agent to trigger the workspace dialogbox.
Agent Code : LotusScript :
Sub Initialize
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim s As NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDatabase
Dim dlgDoc As NotesDocument
Set s = New notessession
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set dlgDoc = db.CreateDocument ()
If ws.DialogBox("DlgPreview",True,True,True,False,False,False,"Preview Dialog Box",dlgDoc,True,True) Then
Msgbox DlgDoc.DlgField(0)
End If
End Sub
After you run the agent it will display the below dialogbox to enter the value

Ajax function in lotus domino to display a html view in a div innerHTML
The below function is developed in ajax. Paste the following code in the JSHeader of the form.
Create a div with the ID as "Mainbody" to place a web view.
Onload call the processAjax() function.
function processAjax() {
url=dbPath + "Viewname?openview"
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Non-IE browsers
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = targetDiv;
try {"GET", url, true);
} catch (e) {
alert("Problem : " + e);
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (req) {
req.onreadystatechange = targetDiv;"GET", url, true);
function targetDiv() {
if (req.readyState == 4) { // Complete
if (req.status == 200) { // OK response
var oldchild = document.getElementById("child");
//Create a new div
var wrappingElement = document.createElement('div');
//Insert response text into new div
wrappingElement.innerHTML = req.responseText;
if(req.responseText.indexOf("No documents found") > 0){
Your Message Hear";
Your Message Hear";
//Append new div into mainbody
} else {
// alert("Problem: " + req.statusText);
alert("Problem: Server Down1");
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Table css styles used in lotus domino web applications
Scroll down to see table styles...
To download the css file please scroll down and click on -Download CSS-
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To download the css file please scroll down and click on -Download CSS-
Employee | Salary | Bonus | Supervisor |
Stephen C. Cox | $300 | $50 | Bob |
Josephin Tan | $150 | - | Annie |
Joyce Ming | $200 | $35 | Andy |
James A. Pentel | $175 | $25 | Annie |
Employee | Salary | Bonus | Supervisor |
Stephen C. Cox | $300 | $50 | Bob |
Josephin Tan | $150 | - | Annie |
Joyce Ming | $200 | $35 | Andy |
James A. Pentel | $175 | $25 | Annie |
Comedy | Adventure | Action | Children |
Scary Movie | Indiana Jones | The Punisher | Wall-E |
Epic Movie | Star Wars | Bad Boys | Madagascar |
Spartan | LOTR | Die Hard | Finding Nemo |
Dr. Dolittle | The Mummy | 300 | A Bug's Life |
Employee | Salary | Bonus | Supervisor |
Stephen C. Cox | $300 | $50 | Bob |
Josephin Tan | $150 | - | Annie |
Joyce Ming | $200 | $35 | Andy |
James A. Pentel | $175 | $25 | Annie |
Comedy | Adventure | Action | Children |
Scary Movie | Indiana Jones | The Punisher | Wall-E |
Epic Movie | Star Wars | Bad Boys | Madagascar |
Spartan | LOTR | Die Hard | Finding Nemo |
Dr. Dolittle | The Mummy | 300 | A Bug's Life |
Employee | Salary | Bonus | Supervisor |
Stephen C. Cox | $300 | $50 | Bob |
Josephin Tan | $150 | - | Annie |
Joyce Ming | $200 | $35 | Andy |
James A. Pentel | $175 | $25 | Annie |
Comedy | Adventure | Action | Children |
Scary Movie | Indiana Jones | The Punisher | Wall-E |
Epic Movie | Star Wars | Bad Boys | Madagascar |
Spartan | LOTR | Die Hard | Finding Nemo |
Dr. Dolittle | The Mummy | 300 | A Bug's Life |
Company | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Microsoft | 20.3 | 30.5 | 23.5 | 40.3 |
50.2 | 40.63 | 45.23 | 39.3 | |
Apple | 25.4 | 30.2 | 33.3 | 36.7 |
IBM | 20.4 | 15.6 | 22.3 | 29.3 |
Company | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Microsoft | 20.3 | 30.5 | 23.5 | 40.3 |
50.2 | 40.63 | 45.23 | 39.3 | |
Apple | 25.4 | 30.2 | 33.3 | 36.7 |
IBM | 20.4 | 15.6 | 22.3 | 29.3 |
Company | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
The above data were fictional and made up, please do not sue me | ||||
Microsoft | 20.3 | 30.5 | 23.5 | 40.3 |
50.2 | 40.63 | 45.23 | 39.3 | |
Apple | 25.4 | 30.2 | 33.3 | 36.7 |
IBM | 20.4 | 15.6 | 22.3 | 29.3 |
Favorite | Great | Nice | Bad |
Passion of the Christ | Bourne Ultimatum | Shoot 'Em Up | Ali |
The Big Fish | The Mummy | Apocalypto | Monster |
Shawshank Redemption | Cold Mountain | Indiana Jones | Dead or Alive |
Greatest Story Ever Told | I Am Legend | Star Wars | Saw 3 |
Company | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
The above data were fictional and made up, please do not sue me | ||||
Microsoft | 20.3 | 30.5 | 23.5 | 40.3 |
50.2 | 40.63 | 45.23 | 39.3 | |
Apple | 25.4 | 30.2 | 33.3 | 36.7 |
IBM | 20.4 | 15.6 | 22.3 | 29.3 |
Employee | Division | Suggestions | |
IE 6 users won't see the transparent background if the hack is not applied | |||
Stephen C. Cox | Marketing | Make discount offers | |
Josephin Tan | Advertising | Give bonuses | |
Joyce Ming | Marketing | New designs | |
James A. Pentel | Marketing | Better Packaging |
Employee | Division | Suggestions | Rating |
Give background color to the table cells to achieve seamless transition | |||
Stephen C. Cox | Marketing | Make discount offers | 3/10 |
Josephin Tan | Advertising | Give bonuses | 5/10 |
Joyce Ming | Marketing | New designs | 8/10 |
James A. Pentel | Marketing | Better Packaging | 8/10 |
Employee | Salary | Bonus | Supervisor |
Stephen C. Cox | $300 | $50 | Bob |
Josephin Tan | $150 | - | Annie |
Joyce Ming | $200 | $35 | Andy |
James A. Pentel | $175 | $25 | Annie |
Nation | Capital | Language | Unique |
Japan | Tokyo | Japanese | Karate |
South Korea | Seoul | Korean | Ginseng |
China | Beijing | Mandarin | Kung-Fu |
Indonesia | Jakarta | Indonesian | Batik |
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